Wie begruessen sich junge Leute in Litauen?

Während wir Älteren noch dem althergebrachten "Labas" (Hallo) anhängen, hat sich die junge Generation vermeintlich coolere Begrüßungsanreden angewöhnt. Einige davon (schicken Sie mir gerne weitere zu) stellen wir hier vor.

"Sveiki" oder abgekürzt "sveiks"  Gesundheit, oder hier 'Hallo'

„labas, ką tu?“.  Hi, wie gehts Dir?

"yo yo, ka jus / tu?" means "yo yo, what are you doing" oder "yo yo , wie gehts?"

"Sveikas seniuk"  Hallo Alter (besser Alterchen)
"Labukas" Hallöchen

"Yo, bičiulis!"   Unter jungen "Rappern" Yo Brüderchen

"sup"  Verkürzung von "whats up", also "was gibts?", "was ist los"

Im Facebook Forum "Foreigner in Vilnius" schreibt Stanislavas Orlovskis:

I will try to explain. Lituanians don't use fake questions like "how are you" or "wie gehts" just to say hello. If lituanian will hear simmilar question - he will answer it. And if he will ask you that question, it means he also expects real answer from you. It's not language issues, it's just different culture of communicating. Before was popular question "kaip sekas, kas naujo?" (how are you, what's new?), usually people will answer "ai, normaliai, nieko naujo" (usually, nothing new), it means that person don't want to talk about his problems. Nowadays this question is being replaced with "ką tu?", which equals to "ką veiki?" (what are you doing?), but only between friends, people will answer what are they doing at the moment.
Second thing I see 99% foreighners think that most common word to say hi is "labas". But it's not true. In real world we almost don't use that word. Exceptions is when young male says hello to young female. Also saying hello for a children. 
Most common hello is "sveikas" between male friends, "sveika" between female friends or "sveiki" if you say hello to unknown, older person. Also we have "laba diena" (good day) and "labas vakaras" (good evening), but we never use that to friends, only to unknown persons, it's more official hello. But "labas rytas" (good morning) you can say to absolutely any person. 
Also close male friends uses "zdarov" or "zdarova" even if they both don't speak russian.

Verwendung dieses Zitats mit freundlicher Erlaubnis von Stanislavas Orlovskis

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