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Litas vs Euro


Bei der Euro Einführung zu Beginn des Jahres 2015 gab es in Litauen und bei den Exillitauern heftige Diskussionen über das für und wider der neuen Währung.

Das ist auch in einer demokratischen Gesellschaft legitim.

Was aber in dieser Zeit in ganz Europa los war, läßt nichts Gutes ahnen. In Dresden gehen die Wutbürger auf die Strasse und warnen vor islamischen Extremisten. Die 3 % Ausländer dieser Stadt machen den aufgebrachten Bürgern zu schaffen.

Aber hier gehts um Litauen. Wie einige litauische Patrioten, lustigerweise in diesem Fall ein im englischen Exil wohnender Litauer, der sich bei Facebook nach einem amerikanischen Gangsterboss nennt, gegen die Euro Einführung Stimmung macht, sollte nicht in Vergessenheit geraten. Deshalb habe ich das Bild, dass er bei Facebook gepostet hat (und vielfach geteilt und geliked wurde) und seine Aussagen über sich selbst hier konserviert.


Der gute Modestas ist 2005 wegen der EU Annektion Litauens nach England geflohen.

Auszüge aus seiner Vita bei Facebook vom 6.1.2015 (s.u.):

Natürlich ist er gegen Schwule.

Die Attentate auf das World Trade Center waren gesteuert vom CIA oder von Israel.

Neil Armstrong war ein Lügner (ist ja auch ein Amerikaner (Achtung Ironie)).

Holocaust? Alles Lüge!

Und so weiter. Der heutige Mainstream halt.


Das Bild mit dem Grabstein musste ich wegen Copyright Gründen nachmachen. Sein Bild war besser gemacht, aber ich möchte deswegen keinen Anwalt am Hals haben.

Beerdigter Litas


About me (for goodness sake...)
6. Juni 2014 um 14:34

my former name used to be Modestas Lukauskas, but had to change it legally to Frank Costello.

I'm Lithuanian, born and bread in Lithuania. Since Lithuania lost it's independence to EU and was taken over by usurping powers of global elite, I had to seek for a refuge in Britain and in 2005 arrived to Leeds, bringing along my children, relatives and friends.

I'm pro-lifer, anti-GMO, anti-vaccination.

I'm very cautious in regards of mainstream media and believe 9/11 was an inside job. War on terror was created by military industrial complex. I think Al Qaeda was born in CIA headquarters.

I don't believe there is life on other planets and I 100% sure the Moon landing is a hoax.

I think Ashkenazi Jews are Khazar descendants and they are not Semitic Jews. God didn't promise anything to Khazars and I believe Ashkenazi Jews have occupied Palestine illegally. I support Palestinians.

I don't believe Nazis killed 6 million Jews, neither I believe there were gas chambers in concentration camps during WWII.

I support death penalty and legalization of herbal drugs (although I'm against of using any type of narcotics, but I have to respect peoples choice).

I think a man should have sex with a woman, not another man, or child, or animal. If two men want to have intercourse into each others asses it's their choice, but leave children and animals alone, and try to keep it quiet - no one wants to know about your sexual orientation.

I don't watch TV, don't smoke, don't eat at fast food 'restaurants'. I never use any medicines, except the natural herbal ones. Medicines are created by pharmaceutical companies just to make them a profit. I think pharmacists don't want people to be healthy the same way the oil industry doesn't want vehicles to be run on electricity or perpetual motion. If on rare occasions I have issues with my health I use some HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, but never go to see General Practitioner. I believe a cancer can be cured without going through chemical therapy. I strongly oppose vaccination of humans or animals.

I don't trust any banks and think that taking a loan or mortgage, or credit card is a voluntary enslavement. I'm against any type of slavery, be it financial or forced labour. I'm against working for someone just to get pennies to pay your loans. I don't work for others. I don't go to a work, don't queue in a heavy traffic, don't wait till get paid, don't try to please a boss, don't shit my pants if I done something wrong. I just don't have a job. I won't tell you though where do I get the means of living from.

I believe in business. I think free people should create businesses. Smart people should invest rather then keep their money in the bank (remember Cyprus). They should buy gold, perhaps BitCoins, real estate, machinery, but never keep money in cash or in a bank. By saying money I mean significant amount of money.

Also I believe in the Bible, that means I believe in God.

This is a piece of me I shared with you. And I don't give a shit what you think of me. OK?!

Have a great day...



Falls er das ironisch meint, der Witz ist ihm gelungen.



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